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The legal implications of using CCTV towersThe legal implications of using CCTV towers

If you run a business, or organise events, you are always looking for new and innovative ways to improve your security.

CCTV towers have emerged in recent times as the perfect way to do just that, providing affordable and reliable surveillance when and where you need it most for exactly how long you need it.

Like any surveillance cameras, whilst you are perfectly entitled to install them on your business site, there are certain legal rules and regulations that you need to abide by, especially when recording members of the public.

At Trust Hire, Security CCTV is what we do and as one of the UK’s leading providers of commercial CCTV towers we are well versed in all the relevant legislation surrounding CCTV use.

CCTV system

In this article, we will share some of this knowledge with you, revealing all the information that you need to be aware of when installing a perfectly legal, and highly effective, CCTV surveillance system on your property.

Privacy Law

The main legal consideration when installing a new CCTV tower is ensuring that you are complying with all relevant privacy law.

The main rule to follow is that videos should not be recorded inside areas where individuals have a reasonable expectation of privacy.

This may sound a bit vague but in general means hat places such as changing rooms and toilets are off limits.

The other major impact of legislation that you need to be aware of is that individuals must be informed that they may be recorded through visible signage.

Installing signs on the perimeter of your property not only helps you to comply with these rules but also helps to maximise the effectiveness of your CCTV system as a deterrent as criminals are far less likely to try and get inside if they know that they are under surveillance.

Data Protection

You must be careful about how long footage is kept for, and how it is used once it has been recorded.

Footage that is kept for too long can lead to questions over the intent behind the recording and could land you in trouble for mismanagement of sensitive data.

Industry Specific Legislation

In some industries there are specific rules and regulations regarding CCTV above and beyond the universal legislation that all commercial entities must abide by.

Healthcare settings, for example, are particularly sensitive and there are specific rules over exactly what can and can’t be recorded in the interests of security.

Overall, CCTV is a great way to protect yourself and reduce the number of crimes that are being committed in a certain area.

The last thing that you want to do, however, is to accidentally end up on the wrong side of the law yourself during the installation or observation process.

Avoid the mistakes highlighted in this guide and you will minimise your risk of doing just that but if you have any questions or concerns whatsoever, do not hesitate to get in touch with our security experts.

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Fun facts about CCTVFun facts about CCTV

CCTV is everywhere in the modern world, and it can sometimes feel a bit daunting to know that you are probably being watched whenever you are out and about in a public place.

For most of use, however, CCTV is far more positive than negative, helping to keep us safe by deterring criminals and capturing many events that would otherwise have been forgotten.

Here are a few amazing fun facts about CCTV that you might not know.

CCTV surveillance

CCTV is smarter than you might think

Traditional CCTV cameras record images, they deter criminals, and they can be used by the police or the owner to identify individuals. A modern CCTV system, however, especially one installed by a professional security company London does so much more than that.

AI is taking over the world and is now integrated into a huge number of technologies and products, including CCTV. This isn’t always seen as a good thing, but in regards to surveillance and the prevention of crime, it certainly is. CCTV cameras nowadays are not only able to identify movement, but also faces, and determine what is going on in a certain situation. Facial recognition is a fantastic tool for both domestic and commercial property owners to ensure that strangers aren’t able to gain access without permission.

On commercial sites, CCTV with AI can identify possible security breaches in real time and send an alert to the police or a local security company. You can also programme many CCTV systems with virtual tripwires that protect key areas of a location or pre-recorded audio warnings that will be sounded if an individual gets too close.

CCTV is used for city planning

You might think that CCTV monitors roads purely to catch out speeding motorists, but it actually plays a vital role in city planning and traffic management.

City planners will utilise CCTV footage to identify issues across urban areas, with everything from traffic bottlenecks to road traffic collisions monitored and recorded. The benefit of this is that this information can then be used to make changes to both policy and infrastructure to ensure that similar situations are avoided in the future.

CCTV stops crime

OK, maybe this one isn’t that fun, but being the victim of crime is certainly the opposite of fun, so we’ll allow it. Many people think that CCTV is only useful in retrospect for identifying criminals and bringing them to justice.

Whilst it certainly is used for this purpose, and very effectively, it can also be used to prevent crime happening in the first place. If someone is monitoring your CCTV they may be able to respond in real time to emergency situations, but just the sight of CCTV will prevent most crimes from taking place.

Home CCTV is becoming more and more popular in the UK, and it is easy to see why. Doorbell cams in particular are great security features as they allow you to identify individuals before you even open the front door to speak face to face.

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