Mastering the Techniques of Covert Hypnosis: Tips and Tricks for Success

Conversational hypnosis is a technique that uses language and communication to influence the behavior and thoughts of a person. It is a powerful tool that can be used to achieve different goals, such as persuasion, motivation, and self-improvement. In this blog post, we will explore the basics of conversational hypnosis and how it works.

First, let’s define what hypnosis is. Hypnosis is a state of mind where an individual is highly focused and open to suggestion. It is a state of trance-like relaxation where the conscious mind is temporarily bypassed, allowing access to the subconscious mind. Hypnosis is often used as a therapeutic tool to help people overcome fears, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

Conversational hypnosis, on the other hand, is a technique where hypnosis is induced through conversation. It involves the use of language patterns, voice tone, and body language to influence the subconscious mind of a person. It is a powerful tool that can be used in various settings, such as sales, negotiation, therapy, and personal development.

The basis of conversational hypnosis is to establish rapport with the person and then gradually introduce hypnotic suggestions. Rapport is the foundation of all communication, and it is essential to build trust and establish a connection with the person. Once rapport is established, the hypnotist can start introducing hypnotic suggestions through language patterns.

Language patterns are phrases or sentences that are designed to bypass the conscious mind and access the subconscious mind. These patterns can be embedded in everyday conversations, making them less noticeable to the person. For example, using the phrase “have you ever considered” followed by a suggestion can plant an idea in the person’s mind without them realizing it.

Voice tone and body language are also important in conversational hypnosis. The tone of voice can be used to create a relaxed and calm atmosphere, making it easier for the person to enter a hypnotic state. Body language, such as mirroring the person’s posture and movements, can also help build rapport and establish a connection.

Conversational hypnosis can be used for various purposes, such as:

  1. Persuasion – Hypnotic suggestions can be used to persuade a person to take a particular action or make a decision.
  2. Motivation – Hypnotic suggestions can be used to motivate a person to achieve a specific goal or overcome a particular challenge.
  3. Self-improvement – Hypnotic suggestions can be used to improve a person’s self-confidence, self-esteem, or other aspects of their personality.

Read more about the power of conversational hypnosis by igor ledochowski at

In conclusion, conversational hypnosis is a powerful tool that can be used to influence the behavior and thoughts of a person. It involves establishing rapport, using language patterns, voice tone, and body language to induce a hypnotic state. While it can be used for various purposes, it is important to use it ethically and with the person’s best interests in mind. If you are interested in learning more about conversational hypnosis, it is essential to seek professional training and guidance.